I love this picture, while it was taken during a 60 degree day, it still could be taken here in NV in 20 degree snowy weather.
Homework, time! We had a lot of homework this week, and I’m getting started on it slowly a little at a time. This is hard for me because all of this week is just straight shutter/f-stop math to configure the right exposure, and I’m not allowed to post-process, it just kills me. But it is what will make me a better photographer, so that’s what I will do. Our assignments for this week are:
The Shoe Project - 10 Different People/Shoes in 10 Different Places.
This is the first image(s) in this series of ten photos.
Texture, Texture, Texture
For this next assignment we have to take 10 photos of textures while configuring our exposure and shot all before activating the shutter. This is hard as well because I like to shoot and adjust. But I’m pretending I have film in my camera, thinking about things before the shot and just going for it, so here is the first photo in another series of ten images.
These were our croutons at lunch today, they were delish! I had to use 400ISO instead of the base 100 as there was hardly any light in the restaurant.
The next assignment is a depth of field assignment, I found the shallow depth of field assignment pretty easy but the deep took me awhile as I wanted everything to be perfectly in focus, after 45m I finally gave up just set my camera on the proper exposure settings and just did my best.
I’m still proud of myself that I am able to do this without any ‘post additions’!
The last and final assignment is 3 different type of panning, I’m hoping on working on those tomorrow. So until then goodnight and good day!
Beautiful images ;-)