What a great day! Douglas & I woke up in time to get ready, have breakfast, and walk to church. Sacrament service was excellent. A lot of the talks were on family unity - and I thought it was beautiful. I was asked to stay in the nursery which was enjoyable, lots of little kids and they were all so super adorable in their own little ways. This one little girl, Kit-Kat {adorable nick-name}, was drinking milk out of a sippy cup - no one knew where it had come from. When asked if it was hers this was her response, "Of course, cause it's tasty!" Ha! So cute, so stinkin' cute. Right after sacrament meeting the Relief Society President pulled me aside to ask if I would be willing to do the Relief Society newsletter - wow, that I think is more overwhelming than the primary pianist, which they let me know today that they really missed me, made me feel great - I loved it in there. So you are looking at the new newsletter designer. I really am strongly considering going to online school for graphic design/digital imaging. I really, really love it.
So back to the whole family unity thing. Ever since we've been married I have wanted to have a family mission statement and after
reading a post on Simple Mom, I think I'm going to work this week on putting one together. After I get it done and Douglas and I 'edit' it I will use a fun font and have it printed 8x10 or maybe bigger then mat and frame it and hang it in our living room. I'm very excited for this. And even though we won't be able to do it in the 2-6 hours I'm sure we can get it done by August {that's my goal anyway}. This will be a short week as I leave for a family reunion on Thursday! I'm so excited! It will be a good opportunity to get some shots that I can edit and post. Have a wonderful week!
Glad to hear you are coming for the reunion. It will be fun to see you. Thanks for sharing your Sunday with us. Our family mission statement is " We Do Hard Things". Good luck on finding yours there are lots of good ones out there.