

I Am Scatter Brained

My desk is an absolute mess. To the left I have a stack of emptied envelopes from Christmas cards that I need to add the addresses into my address book, an overflowing recipe box that I need to transcribe, papers that need to be filed, magazines that need to be read, and my phone which is blinking at me impatiently to pick it up and just see who’s been sending me ‘lovely little messages’ (this is where I should purchase and use the sarcmark, if only I knew I would get enough use out of it, insert sarcmark again here – I’m pretty sure I would). To the right are my two cameras little bear and mama bear, a stack of papers that kept jamming in my printer, the human resource manual I need to read and haven’t done so yet, the printer I’m about to throw out the window, and other random items. I’m not going to say what’s directly in front of me as my computer screen is blocking it so it’s out of sight out of mind right?

So here I sit trying to unclutter my brain and remember what I was going to use for my Thursday Thought today, but while I’m trying to remember here are my 365 images from yesterday and today.

This made me smile bright and early in the morning while getting fuel, so of course I had to remember it.

I have been obsessed with trees I mean really in love with them. This isn’t the best photo but I do love me some trees and sun flare!

On to some random bits of information:
I just downloaded Quicken 2010 and it’s already causing brain overload and occupying way too much of my time this evening.
The fan on our heater has been running non-stop for the past hour… not sure why but blowing cold air and kind of annoying, not to mention the electric bill that it’s going to cause us to have.
I was accepted and got a spot in on of Nicole Hill’s photography classes she is having in San Francisco this year, so excited!
I was summoned for jury duty exactly one year after having it the first time (I postponed).
There is a huge difference in post-editing a picture from a point and shoot and a DSLR, I love Big Mama – she makes me happy.

Okay enough ramblings here are my Thursday Thoughts, also remember the it is delurking week – so be sure to say hi!

I’m not sure where I saw this quote, but I think I’m going to print it, frame it, and hang it in my room where I can see it everyday

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

Yes I will change my daily outlook. Yes I will change my lifestyle. Yes I will stop thinking and start doing. Yes I will find me by hoisting up my ‘sails’. I will explore, dream, and discover. I’m only 26 and I already am disappointed by things I didn’t do – so here’s to doing things never to say, ‘I wish I had’ ever again.

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