

Fix-It-Friday: Southern Belle #22

I haven't done this in a while, but glad to be back! Here is the original of this precious girl as well as my edits. To see more go to:


Southernbelle FF 23 SOOC


Southernbelle FF 23 4

Southernbelle FF 23 3

Southernbelle FF 23 2

Southernbelle FF 22 1


  1. Oh, wow! They are beautiful fixes. I love how you flipped the photo in the second one and the color in the third is perfect for the time period!

  2. great job with your edits. the first thing i always want to do is flip that image into reverse :) just like you. i didn't try this edit this week, but feel free to visit my page anytime. i have some neat newborn shots posted now :).

  3. I agree with Drew, I like the color on the third one.

  4. I love the last edit, you have bought out the amazing vibrant colours beautifully.

    Great edits.
