

Top 10 Pet-Peeves

Wow, I don’t even know where to start with this one! I seem to to have a lot of pet-peeves, probably not a good thing, but I can’t don’t want to help it.

Being Late. I cannot stand it when someone is late for something/anything that has a specific start time or they say they’ll be there at a set time.

You know on the interstate, how it’ll speed up to normal speed then slow back down for no reason?! Yah, that really bugs me.

When people ask you questions that they could look up themselves! It’s not that I don’t want to help or that I’m not helpful, the easy way out just bothers me. Probably didn’t word that the best way possible but, hopefully you know what I mean.

General Rudeness, there is no need for that in the world.

Line cutters, be it force merging in traffic or pretending like you didn’t see me standing in line and getting in front of me, things would move quicker if everyone just took their turn.

Commercials, unless they are the amazing new, “Can switching to Geico”, commercials.

Drunk, loud people in public

When people type or write or text in that ridiculous text language. I find it lazy, immature, and un-necessary.

People who judge others.

Sales calls, ALL of them.