Day 2 of 30
A picture of you a year ago, and a picture of you now and what has changed.
This is difficult for me to put out there, but this was me a year ago. Overweight and not doing anything about it, in that slump, ya know? This isn’t a weight loss blog or pity me why did I get this way blog, it’s just a blog about me, and this 30 days series is to get to know me. So this was a year ago.
And this is present:
35 pounds lighter, happier, and have more energy. I’m still attacking this battle one day at a time, but after starting this journey in January, I’m doing great, enjoying it, and living day by day. I’ve never compared these two pictures, but my skin is better, and I think I just glow a little bit . Even if you can’t see it, I can - and I can feel it, and see the scale going down week by week - it’s great.