

Does 911 Work Outside of California?!

Yes that is a real question that I was asked by my LA-anite {someone who has lived in SoCal for her entire life} friend. I think I didn't stop laughing forever. We were talking about how 411 works everywhere and 511 really only works in CA {granted it's the only place I've ever tried it - except for the middle of nowhere NV and there really isn't a need for it there} and then my lovely Cinderella says, "Does 9-1-1 work outside of CA?" You have to cut her some slack as other than living in LA, Oakland, and Argentina for a couple of years - she's never had need to use 9-1-1... still it's funny, at least I think so anyway...

So in answer to the question I asked yesterday about why you should always wash your fruits and veggies before you eat them? No matter if they are organic or not? Because on our LA road trip last weekend {pics soon to come} they transport your nice fresh fruits & veggies in open topped semis with the exhaust coating them in their black 'exhausty muck'. It's gross. Now, I've never been one for washing my fruits and veggies, in fact I think I have maybe once or twice, but now after watching them move them from place to place with all the elements attacking them at 70mph I will and have become an avid veggie/fruit washer. I should make some of my own veggie wash using:
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 TBL Distilled White Vinegar
  • 1 C Tap Water
  1. Squeeze at least 1 TBL of Lemon juice out of your lemon into your spray bottle {this is the natural disinfectant}
  2. Add vinegar and water {vinegar is an acid that will neutralize any pesticides that might be on your freggies {that's slang for fruits and veggies}
  3. Spray on any freggies and then rinse :)
Has anyone seen, 'More To Love'? Weird. Very Strange. Awkward. And well, this is saying a lot but I don't like it. It is the only reality TV show that I don't like. I know that doesn't make me sound like an intelligent being, but I really do love my reality TV - it's my escape, my little place that I enjoy. But this show is just, well, mean? do I dare say? Posting weights on TV every minute, but they are supposed to be real sized? Then what does their weight matter? These women have high self confidence?! Then why are they crying every time they are in the "Diary Room" {had to get a little Big Brother in there}. Anyway, it's weird and awkward and I don't like it. Not to mention I was totally turned off by the fact the hostess wore flip flops, yes she was in an evening gown with FLIP FLOPS! Gross. Maybe it's just me but I think it's wrong.

Oh, and yes 9-1-1 does in fact work outside of California :)

And I had to buy 2 new tires today... that's another story... this will be 5 tires for my vehicle in the past 18 months.... gah.

1 comment:

  1. hey amberger. we miss you. wish you would come visit asap!!!
